in proportion (to / of ) ;① 當動脈血管直徑縮小到50%時,對血流量幾乎沒有什么影響;超過50%時,血流量則按血管縮小的比例迅速下降。① When the diameter of an artery is decreased by up to 50 per cent, there is little or no measurable effect on flow. Above this, fl......(本文共 356 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 in proportion (to / of ) ;① 當動脈血管直徑縮小到50%時,對血流量幾乎沒有什么影響;超過50%時,血流量則按血管縮小的比例迅速下降。① When the diameter of an artery is decreased by up to 50 per cent, there is little or no measurable effect on flow. Above this, fl......(本文共 356 字) [閱讀本文] >>