針刺手法名。飛經(jīng)走氣四法之一,與“青龍擺尾”相對。即進(jìn)針到適當(dāng)深度,做左右搖動并結(jié)合上提動作反復(fù)18次,以行經(jīng)氣。Name of acupuncture technique,it is one of the four techniques to move Qi throughout the meridians,As cont-rasted with another of the four t...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
針刺手法名。飛經(jīng)走氣四法之一,與“青龍擺尾”相對。即進(jìn)針到適當(dāng)深度,做左右搖動并結(jié)合上提動作反復(fù)18次,以行經(jīng)氣。Name of acupuncture technique,it is one of the four techniques to move Qi throughout the meridians,As cont-rasted with another of the four t...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
經(jīng)穴名。屬足太陽膀胱經(jīng)。定位:在骶部,當(dāng)骶正中嵴旁1.5寸,平第四骶后孔。主治:遺尿,疝氣,白帶,月經(jīng)不調(diào),腰骶冷痛等。The acupuncture point belongs tothe Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyang.Location: On the sacrum and on thelevel of the 4th posterior sactal fora-m...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
一種敷貼用藥。為草本植物白芥的干燥成熟種子。A kind of applying medicinal herb-al drug,i. e. the dry,ripe seeds ofsinapis albal....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
天灸之一。取中藥白芥子研末,用白水調(diào)成糊狀,敷于選好的俞穴上,3~4h待局部皮膚發(fā)泡為止,用于治療肺結(jié)核、哮喘、口眼歪斜等病癥。One form of cold moxibustion withmustard seed (Semen Sinapis Albae)which is ground into powder,thencombined with water to f...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
部位名。手足的掌面與背面的交界處,即魚際。Name of bodily part,i.e.,theboundary between the palm or sole andthe dorsal side of the hand or foot,alsoknown as thenar....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
舌體表面色白,其厚薄及濕潤度的變化反映不同的病變。若苔白而薄是正常的舌苔,如苔薄白而干者,多因津液不足引起。A sign suggestion different patho-logical changes according to the thick-ness and moisture of the fur.For in-stance,a thin whitish fur is normal,...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
指單純的針刺方法。又稱冷針,與溫針相對。A kind of simple needling,alsoknown as cold acupuncture by contrastwith warm acupuncture....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
①經(jīng)外奇穴名。定位:屈膝,在大腿內(nèi)側(cè),髕底內(nèi)側(cè)端上3寸,即血海上1寸。主治:風(fēng)濕,癢疹,蟲證等。②經(jīng)穴別名,即血海。①The name of the extraordinarypoint.Location:3 Cun above the me-dial superior corner of the patella of thethigh with the knee flexed,i. e.,1Cun a...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
經(jīng)穴名。定位:在頭部,當(dāng)前發(fā)際正中之上5寸,或兩耳尖連線的中點處。主治:頭痛眩暈,耳鳴,鼻塞,中風(fēng)失語,昏迷,癲狂,脫肛,陰挺等。The acupuncture point belongs tothe Du meridian. Location: On thehead,5 Cun directly above the mid-point of the anterior hairline,...[繼續(xù)閱讀]